Crypto Industry Insight, Market Data and Investigations
The Russian-based FINIKO Ponzi awarded its owners with more than $235M
According to Clain blockchain analysis platform, Finiko damage may reach at least $235mn – that is far more than the officials assessed.
Ponzi Finiko Investigations BitZlato Binance -
Clain’s Alternative View of the CWT Ransomware Event
Unlike the report of a CWT ransom investigator who declared that all of the extorted funds were syphoned off into four different exchanges, Clain found that a big chunk of that money actually headed to what’s known as a "mixing service".
Binance BitMix Investigations -
The most recent attempt to launder stolen UPbit hacked funds involves an array of well-known exchanges
The most recent attempt to launder the stolen UPBit funds involved a number of prominent, well-known exchanges such as Binance, Huobi, Okex.
Binance Huobi Investigations OKex UPBit -
Binance Hack 2019 – A Deep Dive Into Money Laundering And Mixing.
Clain investigated Binance hack and concluded that out of 7074 BTC stolen from there the majority (4836BTC) were sent to Chipmixer for laundering and 183BTC of Chipmixer outputs were confirmed to have a direct connection with hacker.
Investigations Binance